What is a Disciple?
In this short series we are asking Jesus the question: what is a disciple? By taking all of Jesus' direct teachings on what it means to be a disciple, how he defines discipleship, the bar he sets for disciples-- we manage to see 5 traits of what it means to be a disciple. These are 5 descriptors of these Jesus-followers. So, naturally, this is who we want to be! What is a disciple? Well, they are a Repentant Beleiver, Jesus Abider, Kingdom Patriot, Sacrificial Sufferer, and Compassion Driver. Join us as we unpack one of these descriptors each week learning how Jesus calls us to embody these traits and empowers the church family we are in to grow in these ways.
Our Job is to Make Disciples
Matthew 28:18-20

Jesus Abiders
John 15:1-8

Kingdom Patriots
Various Texts

Sacrificial Sufferers
Matthew 16:21-27

Compassion Drivers
John 13:12-17

4 Strategies For Growth (and baptisms!)
Gale Luther, Various Texts